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With the development of mobile phones and mobile networks, they began to copy computer functions as much as possible. This way, your email can be easily accessed from a smartphone. In addition to the smartphone, we can access the email via a tablet or portable computer.
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The gain is at the mobility level, allowing the user to move and have real-time access to the company's email service. This reduces the response time to customer or partner requests, thus increasing employee productivity.
Connection security is another important aspect. The way the email server communicates with your mobile device can enable a bad person to get access to your email account.
There are several mobile email access solutions: Microsoft Exchange, BlackBerry Enterprise Server, Linux, cloud services. Microsoft Exchange is the email solution from Microsoft. Besides the email feature, it allows sharing contacts and calendar between different users. Use ActiveSync to sync with mobile devices, they can be installed with Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile. There is also the cloud version for Microsoft Exchange, namely Office 365
BlackBerry Enterprise Server is used by BlackBerry devices. It can collaborate with Microsoft Exchange email servers, Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise. Enables the definition of policies for phones and users by giving them a granular control. For companies with a limit budget, you can set up an email server using Linux, and the email client on your mobile device will access this server. They can deploy email solutions that combine multiple technologies. Thus, some users can access certain features. Mobile email access can have multiple benefits for its users, implicitly for companies, but at the same time it presents challenges from an informational point of view.
Our recommendation
In choosing a mobile email access solution, it's important to consider how synchronization is done between the mobile device and the email server. The connection between the mobile device and the email server is done either using a data connection from a mobile phone company or using a wireless network available. Besides the Internet connection, it's important how the email client installed on your mobile device checks the existence of a new email.
You also need to consider what information is synchronized from the email server. You can choose whether to synchronize it only at the subject of the email, the body of the email without the attached files or the entire email. This is important in terms of data traffic, especially when using an Internet connection provided by a mobile operator. Thus, only emails that are considered important or necessary can be downloaded.