Disaster data recovery solutions for companies | Startechteam

Solutions for disaster recovery

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A disaster can be natural or caused by man and regardless of its severity, the most important aspect is how destructive it will be for business. From the total number of companies that have suffered following a major disaster, 43% failed to recover and 29% were closed within the next two years.

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When talking about disaster recovery, we are talking about a set of processes, policies, and procedures that are applied to ensure that critical information and services are not lost.




Having a good disaster recovery plan ensures the continuity of business and services. In order to achieve a Disaster Recovery Plan, some important issues need to be considered:

  • Risk assessment to which the company is exposed. What are the possible disasters and their likelihood.
  • The impact that each of these risks may have if the company is not prepared.
  • What measures should be taken to prevent?
  • How to detect and correct an incidentt
  • What is the maximum tolerable data loss (RPO)
  • How long should the services be restored without major consequences (RTO - Recovery Time Objective)




Luati decizii mai rapid, comunicați natural cu echipa sau cu partenerii de afaceri, suplimentând comunicarea prin email sau chat. Reduceți costurile de transport, cazare sau diurna pentru deplasarile în afara orasuluiși îmbunătățiți productivitatea, evitând timpul petrecut pe drum în afara biroului. Soluțiile de teleconferință reprezintă următorul pas în creșterea eficienței companiei dumneavoastră.

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Conform studiilor, teleconferinţele sunt mai eficiente, deciziile se iau uneori într-un timp cu până la 25% mai scurt decât întâlnirile desfăşurate faţă în faţă între interlocutori. La acest beneficiu se adaugă şi faptul că prin folosirea acestor soluţii nu veţi mai fi nevoit să călătoriţi atât de des în afara biroului. Lista cheltuielilor se scurtează în mod vizibil.

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No one can guarantee a 100% recovery and therefore an important aspect of the recovery plan is to identify the information, services, applications and critical systems that can not be lost or which are vital for the functioning of the company.

The existance of a disaster planning can save the company from huge losses or even bankruptcy. The cost for Disaster Recovery solutions can be regarded as a minimal cost compared to losses that can be avoided. Therefore, many companies have chosen to invest in such a proactive solution and welcome proactively any possible damage on applications, important services and systems for business.

In order to select a solution, each company’s needs must be considered. According to these, terms are established, such as which applications are inside the Disaster Recovery Center, what is the frecquncy to which a backup plan is made, how fast shoud the recovery is made etc. You also need to consider where data are stored. A company may choose to build its own DRC in another location or resort to a specialized service provider.

For the first option, the company needs a well designed plan and should consider all aspects of building a DRC. Some of the most important aspects are:

Location where it is set

  • What is the distance from headquarters to DRC
  • How secure is the building where it is located
  • Structured cabling in that office
  • What server and what applications are there
  • How data is transferred and how often
  • The amount of traffic that will travel between locations
  • Volumul de trafic ce va circula între locații

There are situations where a DRC cost of building from scratch is not justified and it is more efficient to make use of a specialized service provider that offers all of these features as recurring contract that guarantees rapid availability of information. In this case, you must consider only data connection and synchronization information to the Data Center provider. Equipments in Data Center can be owned by client or provider, as needed. Complexity of offered services will vary depending on each company's specific: what applications need a little recovery time, what level of redundancy is required, what traffic volume will travel between locations and what data transfer is done.

Our recommendation


Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery is a solution that requires planning and attention. Reporting risk level to possible losses costs and the critical level for applications and systems are issues to be considered. A right recovery plan disaster could make the difference between continuing or losing the business. It is therefore advisable to seek legal advice that might help you in choosing the best solution for your company needs.